White Tears

esta pieza llamada “White Tears”, fue creada por DecolonialKilljoy, en el año del milenio pasado para tratar exotización, racismo etc, practicas comun en el distante siglo XXI

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  • exhausted-new-postcard
@decolonial_killjoy is a visual artist, curator and co-founder of WE DEY– platform for QTIBPOC contemporary arts in Vienna. @decolonial_killjoy started to trace images of Cutie.BPocs all over the world, still not represented in mainstream media, social media became an important source, a way to connect and amplify images of BPoCs. In her artistic practice she focuses on possibilities of a radical, utopian, queer, feminist collectivity of Black and People of Color and the topics of community, solidarity and belonging.
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